Alarming JN-1: The New Variant of Covid-19 Is Rapidly Threatening

JN-1 In India 

Covid–19 JN-1 is increasing rapidly in the country. In India, cases of this variant were first found in Kerala. After this, news of Corona cases being found in many other places also came to light. After this, an alert has been issued across the country regarding this. You will know from the doctor how to avoid the new variants. 2300 active Corona patients in India, new JN.1 variant of Covid has spread in 40 countries.

Corona is scaring again. New variant of Covid–19 JN-1 is now found in 40 countries. After the devastation caused across the world by three waves of Corona infection, people had just breathed a sigh of relief when once again the new sub-variants of Corona started scaring. 


614 new cases, 3 deaths in Kerala 

614 new cases of corona infection have been registered in India yesterday, which is the highest since May 21. According to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Wednesday, active cases have increased to 2,311. Three people have died in Kerala in the last 24 hours, after which the death toll due to Covid in the country has reached 5 lakh 33 thousand 321. Till now 4.50 crore cases of Corona have been reported in India. 


Covid–19 JN-1 Strain Update  

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said about the JN.1 strain that investigation has revealed that it spreads more easily than other variants. Andrew Pecos, a virologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, has said that JN-1 does not pose much risk. JN-1 was previously classified as part of its parent lineage BA.2.86, but WHO has now classified it as a separate variant. WHO has said that existing vaccines will continue to prevent severe disease and death caused by JN-1 and other variants of the COVID-19 virus.

The new strain of Covid–19 JN-1 has once again created a stir in many countries of the world including India. The new variant of Corona is considered to be highly infectious and many cases of it have been reported in the country so far. Seeing the situation, the Central Government has become active and has issued an alert to all the states. The government has held a high level meeting regarding Covid and has also instructed all the hospitals to remain alert. 

New variants of Covid-19 JN-1 cases are increasing rapidly. Its cases were first found in Kerala and then in Tamil Nadu, after which the spread of infection in many other places also came to light. Seeing the speed at which cases of new variants of Corona are increasing, people’s concern has increased. Everyone wants to know how to avoid this problem. Let us know important things about this from the doctor. 

According to Dr. Anil Bansal, former President of Delhi Medical Association and senior physician, the Covid virus keeps mutating and new variants emerge. At present, the new sub-variant of Covid–19 JN-1 is spreading rapidly and if people do not take precautions regarding it, the situation can become dire. The population in the country is high and hence the risk of its spread is also high. 

 However, if precautions are taken, it can be controlled in time. The effect of the new variants varies depending on the immunity of the people. However, people who are already suffering from any infection or serious illness should take special precautions. The new variant of Covid can be more dangerous for such people. 

These 5 ways will protect you from new variant of Covid–19 JN-1 

  1.   To avoid new variants of Covid, people should not go to crowded areas. Avoid attending weddings or other parties and do       not shake hands with people. 
  2.    Wash your hands with soap from time to time and use sanitizer after touching anything. This will help you avoid viruses. 
  3.    Wear a mask while going out, so that the virus cannot infect you through the air. If you don’t have a mask, you can use a         handkerchief while going out. 
  4.   If any person shows symptoms of Covid or is infected with Covid, then avoid coming in contact with him. If you come in        contact, get yourself tested immediately. 
  5.    If symptoms of Covid appear, consult a qualified doctor and get yourself treated. Taking antibiotics and steroid medicines     without doctor’s advice can be dangerous.

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