Dawood Ibrahim The Most Wanted Don Is Still Alive in 2023

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Underworld don Dawood Ibrahim is not dead, was not poisoned, shocking claim in this report from intelligence sources.

A Pakistani journalist had claimed that Dawood Ibrahim was admitted in the hospital and he was poisoned by some unknown person.The news of most wanted underworld don Dawood Ibrahim being poisoned in Pakistan was in the headlines on Monday (December 18). A Pakistani journalist said on social media that Dawood has been recruited in Karachi, Pakistan, but no one knows the truth behind these claims.

Pakistani newspapers also did not give any special coverage about Dawood. A few newspapers in Pakistan were writing the news of Dawood quoting social media news. Meanwhile, it has been revealed that Dawood is absolutely fine and nothing has happened to him. India Today’s reliable intelligence sources have denied reports of Dawood’s hospitalization or death.

What did Chota Shakeel say?

chota shakeel


 Chota Shakeel, a close aide of Dawood Ibrahim, has denied being poisoned and being admitted to the hospital. Talking to Times of India, Chota Shakeel has said, brother is 1000 percent fit. He also told that the rumors of Dawood’s death are spread with wrong intentions.

How did Dawood Ibrahim enter the world of crime?

Dawood Ibrahim’s real name is Sheikh Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar. His father Sheikh Ibrahim Ali Kaskar was a Havildar in Mumbai Police. Due to financial constraints his father had made him leave his studies. After this Dawood came into the world of crime. First he worked with the then don Haji Mastan and later separated from him and started working from Dubai.

Dawood is said to have a hand in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts. S.N Hussain Zaidi’s book ‘Most Wanted Ek, Naam Anek’, it was claimed that Dawood had 13 names. In the initial period he was known as ‘Muchchad’. In India, when he calls, he calls in the name of Haji Saheb or Amir Saheb.

A Pakistani YouTuber, citing some posts on social media late on Sunday night, had speculated about Dawood Ibrahim’s poisoning and hospitalization. Apart from this, internet speed was reduced in Pakistan, which was linked to Dawood. However, it is believed that this was done to stop the virtual meeting of Imran Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf party. According to NetBlocks, an organization that monitors global internet freedom, important social media platforms were banned in Pakistan for seven hours on Sunday evening.

News of death has been coming before also

Despite international sanctions, Dawood Ibrahim and his family have been enjoying a luxury lifestyle in Pakistan for many decades. News related to Dawood’s death had been coming earlier also. But every time it has been proved to be a rumour. This time the news related to poisoning of Dawood was being seen as correct information. Because many Indian terrorists present in Pakistan have been killed by unknown attackers in the last few months. It was believed that one of the same unknown attackers might have targeted Dawood as well.

There was news of death due to Corona


Pakistan had submitted a list to the Financial Action Task Force in 2020, in which Dawood’s name was included. Even if unknowingly, Pakistan had accepted that Dawood was within its territory. In the year 2020 itself, a report came in which it was said that Dawood Ibrahim and his wife are infected with Covid-19. Then some reports even said that Don died due to the virus. However this proved wrong. But Dawood’s nephew Siraj died due to infection.


News of death due to heart attack

In the year 2017, there was news that Dawood Ibrahim died due to a heart attack. Some reports said that Dawood was suffering from brain tumor, due to which his health deteriorated. Later, his  right hand Chhota Shakeel said that Don is completely healthy. A rumor was heard on social media in 2016, according to which Dawood has gangrene in his legs and doctors may have to amputate them. But this news also turned out to be false.

This time the news has come that he was admitted to the hospital two days ago. In a few months, many of India’s most wanted have been killed in unknown ways in Pakistan. In such a situation, this time most of the people are considering the news related to poisoning of Dawood as true.

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